BETTY RULES—The Exception to the Musical—The Original Cast Recording


2001/2002: BETTY Rules BTY5

  1. Ups and Downs
  2. Slap Bang
  3. Window
  4. It Girl
  5. I Met Someone / Alyson
  6. Mr Music
  7. I Met Someone / Amy
  8. Put It Off
  9. Kissing You
  10. I Met Someone / Elizabeth
  11. Jungle Jane
  12. Overwhelmed
  13. If Only
  14. Broken
  15. Wave
  16. Gravity
  17. Noise
  18. Happy Holidays
  19. Window
  20. If I Had It Over to Do
  21. Yeah Yeah

Oh WOW! Oh, honey, honey, WOW!! THIS is BETTY. Oh my lord, WOW!

(I’ll elaborate on that more helpfully and clearly when I stop gasping and can appraise it more calmly. However it’s weeks since I first heard it and still haven’t quite managed to stop goobing frantically over a number of tracks here, so it might be awhile.)