Līvõd Lōlõd
Līvu Dziesmas
Livonian Songs

Stalti Family

1998: SIA / Riga Recording Studio RS 018

  1. Tūt Kutsimi / Tāšu Taures Aicinājums / The Call of the Birch-Bark Horn
  2. Kalāmīe Loul / Zvejnieku Šūpļa Dziesma / Fishermen’s Song
  3. Kas Tūndõd Mō? / Vai Zini Zemi? / Do You Know the Land?
  4. Sūrkadril / Lielkadriļa / The Great Quadrille
  5. Astā, Veļ, Tȭlpa Pǟl! / Steidz, Bāliņ, Pakāpies! / Hurry, Brother, Step On Up!

    precību dz.

  6. Laggõgid, Rūimõgid! / Sķiraties, Rūmaties! / Make Way!

    kāzu dz.

  7. Mäd Sõzār / Kāzu Dziesma / Wedding Song
  8. Ilzõn Daņtš / Ilzenes Dancis / The Dance from Ilzene
  9. Minā Pōliz Jumālõst / Lūgsna Dievam / Prayer to God

    kāzu dz.

  10. Līvõd Valts / Līvu Valsis / The Livonian Waltz
  11. Mäddõn Mierstõ Vōjgist Aigõ / Mūsu Jūras Malā Izpeldēja / From the Sea Emerged
  12. Mis Ni Tīeb? / Ko Nu Darīs? / What Shall We Do?

    divi kāzu dz.

  13. Kus Sa Lǟdõ, Lotšākibār? / Kur Tu Iesi, Lūkcepure? / Where’re You Headed, Crooked Cap?
  14. Suitõd Daņtš / Suitiņš / The Suitins


  15. Lōliz Izā, Lōliz Puoga / Dziedāj Tēvs, Dziedāj Dēls / The Father Sang, the Son Sang

    galda dz.

  16. Īdõnõ Izānõ Īdõksõ Puoigõ / Vienam Tēvam Deviņi Dēli / One Father Has Nine Sons

    dzimtas dz.

  17. Pūgõ, Tūļ! / Pūt, Vējš! / Blow, Wind!

    kāzu dz.

  18. Īlgamag Ja Salājdaņtš / Dūdu Balss un Zaglis / Voice of the Bagpipes and The Thief


  19. Õdõg / Vakars / Evening

    dzimtas dz.

  20. Eijõ, Eijõ / Šūpļa Dziesma / Cradle Song
  21. Unnõ Īrki / Kur Tu Teci, Miega Pele? / Where Are You Rushing, Sleepy Mouse?

    šūpļa dz.

  22. Pitkā Āiga / Garš Laiks / Long Time


  23. Rirī, Ānda Semdi / Ri-rī, Dod Pienu! / Give Milk!

    ganu dz.

    Ganiņa Raudas / Cowherd’s Weeping
  24. Jōda, Jōda, Pǟva Jūokšo! / Steidzi, Steidzi, Saule, Tecēt! / Hurry, Hurry, Sun

    ganu dz.

    Melngalve, Raibgalve! / Dark Head, Motley Head!
  25. Tšitšorlinkist / Putnu Saukšana / Little Bird

    Lielās dienas dziesma

  26. Jōņ Loul / Jāņu Dziesma / Midsummer (Janu-St-John) Song
  27. Ārmazõ Jemā / Mīļā Māte! / Dear Mother!

    Vastlāvju dziesma

  28. Kõps Eņtš Vanā Tōţi Ja Tikā Bokā / Zaķis Savu Veco Tēvu Un Kazbuks / The Hare Buried His Father and The Roebuck
  29. Kik Broutšiz Rīgõ / Gailīt’s Brauca Rīgā / The Rooster Went to Riga


  30. Krakovjak / Krakovjaks / The Krakowiak


  31. Kuolmkepā / Trīsrociņš / Three-Hands


  32. Ak, Tōţi, Vanā Aņdrõks! / Ak, Tētiņ, Vec’ Andrej! / Oh, Daddy, Old Andrei!


  33. Suž Daņtš / Vilku Dancis / Wolf Dance
  34. Livõd Meldiņ / Līvu Melodija / Livonian Melody
  35. Min Izāmō / Mana Tēvu Zeme / My Fatherland

    (Līvu Himna) / Livonian Hymn

It’s “Astā, Veļ, Tȭlpa Pǟl!” that hypnotized me into requiring this rarity in my library. My Latvian coworker Ints, with whom I’d shared various Ilgi celebrations, loaned me his copy of this CD and it required great willpower on my part to return it to him. As it was, it took me a long time to hunt down a copy for myself…and when I did I bought two or three extra copies for friends I knew I’d eventually want to give it to.

As with “Tumša Nakts, Zaļa Zāle” on Ilgi’s Riti, “Astā, Veļ, Tȭlpa Pǟl!” is absolutely magical, but unlike the latter this is a ritual recorded with fervent pride (the latter having been given more secretive reverence), the delicate interweaving of the two kokles providing the sense of a magical spark that animates the whole.

An interesting enhancement to my appreciation for this album came in August 2009 when I heard on Radio Oira another version of that beautiful latter track—such a hauntingly beautiful melody was almost immediately recognizable, and by the end of the recording I’d discovered that it was doubly recognizable because the primary singer was none other than Julgi Stalte, the Stalti Family daughter on this album! This other version was recorded by a Latvian group called Tulli Lum of which she’s an integral member, and its Latvian name is “Asta, Vel, Tola Pal.” Good luck finding a copy of the CD it’s on, however…I’m not finding much out there so far even through my usual Baltic sources.