Syrie—Muezzins d’Alep—Chants religieux de l’Islam

1992: OCORA/Radio France C 580038

  1. AdhānCall to prayer

    par Șabrī Mudallal

  2. Qașīda: Man mithlukum li-rasūl Ilah yantasibuRecitation: Who among you claims to be the Envoy of Allah

    Hasan Haffār

    Mūwashshah: Hayyū al- hādī bi-dhikr al-isrā’Hymn: Hail the Guide in evoking his Ascension
  3. Mūwashshah: Yā rasūl Ilah yā man !Hymn: O Thou, Prophet of Allah!
  4. Qașīda: Yā man bi-hhadika aflaha al-su cadā’ uRecitation: Man of praises, dispense thy bounty

    Sabrī Mudallal

    Mūwashshah: Bulbul al-afrāh gharradaHymn: Nightingale of the feasts, warble
  5. Ducā’Invocations

    cAbd al- Ra’ūf Hallāq